A Weekend in the Woods

It’s late autumn and the time of year when almost every state has a hunting season – turkeys, ducks, deer, bears, pheasants, and more. But when the sun goes down, the hunters return to their camps. They are ready for a hot meal, a game of cards with their fellow hunters, or just want to relax in front of the big screen.

Because so many of these hunting retreats are in the deep woods, there often isn’t electricity available to power up the conveniences wanted. The solution for any outdoor enthusiast – whether in an off-grid cabin or RV – is a portable generator to power cooking appliances, fridges, lights, televisions, and cell phone chargers. Even cabins on the grid can benefit from a portable generator should there be a power outage.

When choosing a portable generator, look for these features:

Enough power: The more watts your generator has, the more items you can power at the same time. To know how much you will need, calculate all the wattage requirements of all the accessories you plan to operate on generator power. Typically, wattage is listed on the device, on the back or on the bottom. If not, a simple formula for determining watts is multiplying volts x amps. The total will tell you the model of generator you need.

Sufficient electrical outlets: A portable generator should have enough receptacles for the devices wanted to run. Models that include a multi-outlet cord offer greater convenience.

Long enough run time on a full tank of gas: Another important factor to consider is how long you will be running your generator. The generator run time is found on the generator spec sheet and owner’s manual. Run time is determined at 50% load levels and the power used directly impacts the run time. The more power used, the shorter the run time and the sooner you will have to refuel.

Safety first: Always be aware of safety and the danger of carbon monoxide. Keep the generator in an outside space, far from occupied areas, with its exhaust pointing away from campsites. Never transport your generator in the back of your RV or your SUV if you are towing a camper. The best way to transport your generator is to have a platform built on the back of your vehicle.

Check out our generators ranging from 5,000 to 12,000 watts at a-ipower.com.